NAVCore Objects Manager SS Edition Edition & Features Download

This is a must-have tool for Developers, Managers, and Customers!
Save Time and Money
Manage, Communicate, and Collaborate
Monitor Progress and Development
Project and Development Time Tracking
Source Control, Transfer History, and Object Restore
Code Comparison, Code Search, Where Used, and much more!

Developers can save a tremendous amount of time when moving modifications from the Development to the Test and Live environments, especially when the change involves multiple objects and/or projects. While coding and testing, we can easily lose track of that simple little change or we could be wasting time switching back and forth between our development environment and our developmental tracking worksheet. If that wasn't enough, imagine the time wasted if we were to document a piece of code but have to make changes later or even scrapping it altogether!

By utilizing this application, developers can save the heavy documentation steps for later or even save the large, detailed documentation with regards to a change, outside of the code objects to keep the codes clean. Once all coding is done and the initial testing is good, use this application to review all objects that were modified and compare the difference between the Development and Live environments. Quickly see where there's a difference and determine whether a detailed explanation or documentation is needed.

Managers can utilize this application to track and estimate development without having to involve the developers and/or consultants. They can assign and prioritize projects, see the stages of completion, see what's under development and what's in the testing phase, all without having to check in with each developer and/or consultant.

Developers and consultants can utilize the Time Tracking module to record the time spent on an object, within each respective project. Managers can rely on this information for billing and estimating future projects.

Customers will find this to be a great transparency tool, the key to a long and trusting relationship. With little effort and without having to bother anyone, customers can get a quick overview of where a project is in its development and set their own priorities.

Customers can quickly tell which project may be ready and is pending their own employee's involvement, under testing, oftentimes a major cause for delays. As a matter of fact, some projects can be ready but is never moved to Live because developers are done with the project and have moved on to other developments while the finished project is pending test. If this is a low to medium priority project, the employee forgets to test, and developers assume the work is done, this can be lost until someone revisits the project.

  • Projects
    In a busy environment or during the initial stages of implementation, modifications can easily overlap. When more than one developer, working on different projects, are modifying the same object, it's hard to tell which change was for which project. When it comes time to transfer the objects to the Live environment, we can be wasting valuable time figuring out which could or couldn't be moved due to the overlapping developments. This application addresses that with a built-in project management system, where multiple objects can be linked to multiple projects at the same time. We can easily tell that an object has overlapping development if they're linked to more than 1 project and we can easily transfer all related objects with a Batch Transfer.
  • Collaboration
    A project will almost always involve communication from multiple parties. With multiple parties and multiple projects, it can be hard to keep track of who said what and when. If your primary source of communication is through emails, the clutter caused by multiple responses can make it time consuming to read and to respond to. Even worse is a response that can be lost due to being part of a response in an email that addresses multiple responses but doesn't contain the original response. This application aims to address that by introducing a text message-like form of communication for everyone. No more digging through emails to find a particular question or response and no more lost communications, just scroll through and see the entire collaboration history.
  • Notes
    Public notes can be added to each object to highlight or let everyone know about something, without it being part of any particular project. Similarly, a private note can be added to each object but is visible only to the owner of the note. Use it to make a note of what has already been done, where you left off on development, something to follow-up on, or even notes for an upcoming meeting.
  • Time Tracking
    Easily track the time spent on an object by each developer and/or consultant, in each project. Use it for future project estimation, budgeting, or billing.
  • Source Control, Transfer History, and Object Restore
    Not only will you have better source control but you will have transfer histories, and know exactly who made the transfer. Unlike other source safes out there, this app will save a FOB version of the Live object prior to replacing it with the Development object so that you can easily restore the object from a recent transfer that have unexpected results. Compare, export, and review notes associated with each transfer.
  • Code Comparison
    Compare codes between different environments and get a quick overview of the differences right before every transfer to ensure no overlapping changes are accidentally transferred, and that documentation exists for critical changes.
  • Code Search and Where Used
    Unlike any out there, this application not only gives you the ability to do a Where Used to find where an object may be referenced but it also gives you a powerful tool to search codes across all objects within the development environment. Use the Advance Find option to search where an external function in an object may be referenced by another object or where a Control Add-in (Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Client.WebPageViewer), for example, may be referenced.
    • Need to know where an external procedure or table field may be referenced? While not perfect, you can use the Advance Find in conjunction with the Where Used to limit the results to where the object is used and a function with the same name or field is found.
    • Need to know where a table's field value may be set? Enable the V()/:= option to search where the field exists with a VALIDATE(Field...) or Field :=.
    • Got a support request and given an error message? Quickly find out where that message may be referenced to know exactly where to begin troubleshooting, and quickly know why the error was shown.
    • Got a request to be added to an email coming from NAV but don't know where it came from? Try finding it by key phrases used in the subject or body of the email.
    • The list goes on and on...

Please visit our User Guide to learn more.

Save time coding and testing first. Use the code comparison tool to review and document only what that works later.
See where objects are used and search code across all objects.
Keep track of developmental time on each object, for each project.
Manage and easily keep track of related, developmental objects, all in one place.
Communicate and collaborate with your managers and colleagues using the built-in project collaboration tool.
Keep better documentation of who did what, when, and why by reducing missed documentation during development.
Quickly and effortlessly move objects from development to Test and Live environments.
Transfer objects on your colleagues behalf or enable functional consultants to share some of the duties.
Avoid accidental roll-outs due to overlapping developments.
Quickly determine if new issues are related to recent updates or object transfers.
Managers and Customers
Save time and money. Reduce miscommunication, lost notes and collaboration.
Keep track of developmental time for each developer across multiple projects.
Gain insight into the developments happening within the ERP system.
See what's under development, what's pending test, and how long it's been pending.
Communicate and collaborate, all in one place, using the built-in project collaboration tool.
Manage developers, consultants, and projects.
Monitor project progress, be an integral part of the process.
Combine project documentation with source documentation. Know who did what, when, and why.
Require and enforce the documentation of changes.
Quickly determine if new issues are related to recent updates or object transfers.